Be a Future-Builder!

Fall is soon upon us, and here at ECHO we are keeping in mind that shelter is a precious commodity in our community. Please help us change affordable housing policy today to build the homes we need for tomorrow. How? If you believe as we do, that every one deserves a safe and affordable place to live, help us make that future a reality: DONATE TODAY to our Future-Builder campaign.

PS If you donate before our next eletter goes out, your gift will be matched by a generous donor up to $1500!

Want to get more involved? Read below about East Boulder County Housing Opportunities for community engagement in Erie, Superior, and Louisville. Stay tuned next month for news from Lafayette and Longmont.

PROPOSITION 123 – Affordable Housing to be on Statewide Ballot

After decades of trying, we finally have an affordable housing funding measure which will be on the ballot, statewide, in November. The ballot measure is statutory, not constitutional, which is important because it allows the General Assembly to make changes and tweak it as needed, if any of the provisions of the measure prove difficult to implement or need changes. If the measure is approved by voters (YOU!) it is anticipated to build 170,000 new homes in the next 10 years with NO NEW TAXES.  ECHO’s Board has endorsed Proposition 123. Detailed information is available here: You can also download a FACT SHEET here and share with others who are concerned with Affordable Housing.

We need more places for people to live at a variety of price points. Proposition 123 provides opportunities for a variety of solutions ranging from help to the homeless to down payment and other assistance to new homeowners. Spread the word, and if you would like a presentation on this measure at your local group or club or congregation, let us know.


Louisville is considering adding incentives to help developers meet the requirements of their proposed amended affordable housing ordinance. If you want to see more affordable housing in Louisville, please connect with the City Council and let them know you want to see the city help developers achieve the affordable housing goals through City-created incentives. This is a commonplace practice nationwide. Because of the high cost of land, and high construction costs, the incentives will get more developers to be willing to build a portion of their projects as affordable.


On Tuesday, September 20, Staff will be giving preliminary analysis of the Housing Needs Assessment to the Board of Trustees. The study session is virtual and starts at 630 pm. It can be watched here:

This study will form the basis of an upcoming affordable housing ordinance that the Town Board is considering. Tune in to listen. At this time, we do not believe Council will be taking testimony during the session. You can listen in and then let council know you support them taking action by emailing them here.

The Town of Erie’s Affordable Housing Division and the Town Board, and Planning Commission are hosting an Open House on Thursday, September 22nd at Erie Library between 5PM-7PM. This will be an opportunity for residents to understand the future of affordable and workforce housing in Erie, its importance, and how it will positively impact the future and growth of the Town. In addition, you will have the opportunity to ask staff questions and give your opinions on future changes to housing. Please invite your friends, family, coworkers, neighbors who are interested in affordable housing for the Town of Erie. Can’t wait to see you there!

Thursday September 22, 2022
Erie Community Library (Erie Event Space East)
400 Powers St, Erie, CO 80516.


The Boulder County Housing Authority has withdrawn their current application for transit-oriented affordable development at the Superior Marketplace, but intends to bring it back at a later date. The town board will still be hearing a presentation on the project at their September 26th meeting, at 6 PM. The session can be viewed here. Superior affordable housing advocates are encouraged to attend in person or to speak online, and simply ask the town to create the zoning needed to begin the housing development process.

In spite of having a robust inclusionary housing ordinance, Superior has yet to create any permanently affordable homes for rent or for sale. In October 2021, the median cost of a home in Superior rose 36.1% compared to the previous year with a median value of $786,000. According to data collected from the US Census Bureau, in 2020 the median for individuals and households was $50,932 (55%-60% AMI) and $126,600 (family of 4, 100%-120% AMI), respectively. ECHO will be asking candidates for the Town Board to respond to our affordable housing questionnaire, which will include questions about candidate’s support for this project. If any Superior residents would like to participate in developing and distributing this non-partisan questionnaire, please contact us.

Mapleton Mobile Home Park

MOBILE HOME PARKS - New Laws to Protect Resident's Rights

On September 25th, 1:30 PM at Immaculate Conception Church (715 Cabrini Dr., Lafayette) the Church and Together Colorado, will be hosting an opportunity for mobile home park residents throughout East Boulder County to learn more about new legislation which is designed to protect residents rights. More options for better enforcement and how to access those options will be presented. The event is open to anyone wanting to learn more about mobile home park resident rights.




Prop 123, A Statewide Measure for Affordable Housing


Activism: Are you in?