Use Your Voice!

Democracy in Action.jfif

“Nobody makes a greater mistake than he (or she or they) who does nothing because he (or she or they) could do only a little.”
—Edmund Burke

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) - Boulder County

There is still time to fill out the commissioners' survey on ARPA dollars, and let them know you support affordable housing for the use of these dollars. Here is the link to the Commissioner's survey. Please fill out and support affordable housing for our community.

Si desea completar la encuesta en español puede realizarlo en el siguiente enlace:

Municipal elections in Louisville, Longmont and Lafayette and Boulder

November 2, 2021 is Municipal election day.

ECHO asked all the candidates for office in the Cities holding municipal elections in the Eastern part of the county to respond to an affordable housing questionnaire. We had a very good response to our survey. The Longmont Leader has been publishing the results, and we are very grateful for that. If you want to see the questionnaire responses in one place, you can find them here.

Sustainability Candidate Forum - for Longmont

WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2021 AT 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM
Longmont Sustainability Issues Candidate ForumOnline Event Join Sustainable Resilient Longmont, ECOCYCLE, and ECHO

Lafayette Candidate Forum, Virtual Event

October 12, 2021, at 6pm - hosted by the League of Women Voters
Tuesday, October 12, 2021, 6:00 PM until 7:30 PM

Struggling with potential eviction?

or need help paying your mortgage because of COVID?

Call the Boulder County Housing Helpline. 303-441-1206

Housing Helpline.

Superior Citizen Survey On Sustainability

Single-family residential development contributes significantly to vehicle emissions and energy usage and greenhouse gasses. Compact walkeable and transit oriented development can help reduce emissions.  Mixed use development creates vibrant, walkeable neighborhoods.  If you live, work, or own property in Superior, please fill out their survey. 

Provide Your Valuable Input to the Sustainability Action Plan!

Following several months of work sessions, the Town, in collaboration with ACES, have compiled a comprehensive list of strategies and actions to be included in the Sustainability Action Plan. At a Community Sustainability Workshop in September, Superior residents and business owners were given the opportunity to review these items and provide feedback. If you were unable to attend, no problem! Visit to review the same materials and provide your thoughts for the plan. If you need any help maneuvering the website, please contact Alyssa Vogan, Sustainability Analyst at or 303-499-3675 ext. 140.

Update on Statewide Transformational Housing Taskforce

In addition to local ARPA dollars, there is also about $400 million dollars available at the state level to make significant changes in housing and homelessness. A task force has been established to issue a report with recommendations to the General Assembly and the Governor on policies to create transformative change in the area of housing using federal coronavirus recovery money.

The task force is seeking input from the public and here is a link to their survey.

Louisville looking for feedback on Transit-Oriented Development 

We need your input to understand how redevelopment can achieve the goals identified in the McCaslin Small Area Plan.  

Join us for a virtual meeting on Wednesday, October 6th from 6pm-8pm to discuss how the McCaslin corridor can better support local businesses and catalyze the concepts identified in the McCaslin Small Area Plan. Topics will include:

Who is the local team working on these issues?

How has the lack of affordable housing affected your business or family?

Do you believe additional workforce housing is needed to keep Louisville great?

Do you see the need for long-term access to the RTD McCaslin RTD station?

How could new housing near transit help meet the City’s sustainability and equity goals? 


We need your input to understand how redevelopment can achieve the goals identified in the McCaslin Small Area Plan.  

Click here to join the Zoom meeting, Wednesday, October 6th at 6pm.
The project team will be on-site on October 20th from 2:30 pm to 5:30 pm to discuss this project with you in person.
For updates about the project, please visit
You can also email with comments and questions.

Organizing Neighborhoods of Erie.jpg

The Organizing Neighborhoods of Erie committee was established in 2019 to provide opportunities for communication between the Board of Trustees and representatives of neighborhoods. The quarterly meetings also allow communities to share interests and concerns with the Town administration in an open dialogue. Is your neighborhood being represented at these meetings? If you are interested in representing your neighborhood, email to learn more. No need to be on your HOA board or committee – all residents are welcome.



What if all the People Who Can’t Afford to Live Here Left?


A Rare Opportunity to Use Federal Dollars to Help Create Local Housing